Better than a video course

Live Instructor Bazel Training

Your team learns live from an expert - with all the Q&A you can ask.

Work with an expert

A live, human instructor

Classes are taught by an experienced Bazel user, familiar with a wide variety of use cases, languages, platforms, and scenarios. But they might be a bit more rough around the edges than our model here:

Remote / Online

Join from anywhere

Our training is usually one or two days, and usually online. We've been teaching and collaborating online for years, long before everyone came online in 2020.

Scale up or down for your needs

Options and pricing

Pricing shown is for an online class group, of up to 15-20 developers/ops team members, delivered online. Longer engagements, multiple engagement for larger groups, and on-site engagements are available at increased cost.

One day class


Our one day class is most suitable for teams already using Bazel.

Two day class


Our two-day class is suitable for teams just starting with Bazel. We spend more time on ...

Outline here

What's in the class?

We adjust the contents of every class to meet the group's needs. Our starting point outline includes:

  • This

  • that

  • The other

A full outline is available - teams usually review and mark up the outline to craft the ideal engagement.

Sorry, not yet

Get in Touch

As of early 2023... we're not yet ready to launch. Please reach out to the great Bazel experts listed on the Bazel web site in the meantime!